With Bobbie Bhambree-Wirkmaa, CBDC, CPDT-KA, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant

Prereq: 1) Taken the Mental Resilience seminar with Bobbie at Y2K9s OR 2) Currently works with Bobbie privately OR 3) Attended any Brain Camp seminar or webinar
Teams should be able to run short sequences of jumps and tunnels. There will be no contacts or weaves.

In this seminar, you will:

  • Apply all concepts from Bobbie's other workshops into Novice-level sequences
  • Teams will be coached individually and we will fill the resilience gaps based on what each team demonstrates

Limited to 10 working spots. Auditing unlimited.
$190 for members, $220 for non-members $45 auditors


Email Lynsey with questions.

Details Price Qty
Members Working Spot - For Member price, log in to your account. You can log in here.
Non-Members Working Spotshow details + $220.00 USD   Sold Out
Auditingshow details + $45.00 USD  

  • Working Spot
     November 9, 2024
     9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • Auditing Spot
     November 9, 2024
     9:00 am - 4:00 pm