Workshops & Seminars

Introduction to Parkour – with CJ Hazell

Sunday, October 20

Requirements: Basic Canine Manners or equivalent.
Description: Here’s your chance to find out what Dog Parkour is all about. It’s a fun new sport that evolved out of human parkour. It’s all about moving across the landscape using whatever is there as obstacles for having fun. Your dog learns basic physical skills as well as body awareness, thoughtfulness, and self-control. It’s great for dogs of all ages and abilities from puppies to seniors. We can even modify moves as needed if your dog has a physical handicap.

You can practice parkour anywhere including inside your home, in your yard, on a walk in any environment, and in a park. You and your dog learn how to creatively use steps, stumps, logs, walls, park benches, branches, broom sticks, boxes, tires, fences, rocks, and everything else that you find. This workshop will introduce you to what parkour is, how it is practiced, and some of the basic moves that you can use to play, right from day one.

Cost: $40 for members, $50 for non-members. Limit 8 working spots, unlimited auditing. $15 per auditor.

Advanced Parkour Workshop – All things rear feet and Creativity

Sunday, October 20
12:00-2:00pm and 2:15-4:15pm

Requirements: This is for dogs who have had some experience with parkour. However, it is not required that the behaviors are fluent to participate in a working spot. Anyone can audit and learn more about these behaviors, which can also be useful for other sports.
Description: This workshop focuses on rear end awareness. Most dogs do not come by this automatically. We will work on Rear Foot Targeting, Backing Up, Side passes with elevated rear feet, and Pivots. While dogs are required to have some experience with parkour to take this workshop, they do not need to be fluent at any of these behaviors. Activities will be tailored to the individual dog’s ability.

Creativity, in parkour, is learning to do more than one behavior on an obstacle. This builds both focus and self-control as well as building the ability to experiment with novel objects.

Cost: $40 for members, $50 for non-members. Limit 8 working spots, unlimited auditing. $15 per auditor.

Agility Workshops with Lynsey Heffner and Bobbie Bhambree
Sunday, October 27

Start Line Challenges - Lynsey


Description: Start line challenges can usually be attributed to two concepts– a solid understanding and proofing of a release cue and management of arousal states. This workshop will help troubleshoot those skills necessary for your dog to have a reliable start line, no matter what type of issue you’re experiencing!
Prerequisite: This workshop will only include jumps and tunnels and can be appropriate for dogs and young dogs who have at least done tunnels.
Cost: $125 members, $140 non-members, auditing $30
6 working spots, unlimited auditors

Either/Or Young/Green - Bobbie


Description: Either/or training tests your dog’s understanding of your handling cues as well as your ability to execute them. This workshop will focus on sequences that will help teams sharpen their handling understanding, while practicing clear handling cues.
Prerequisite: This workshop is for young dogs who are sequencing jumps and tunnels.
Cost: $125 members, $140 non-members, auditing $30
6 working spots, unlimited auditors

Get Connected! - Bobbie


Description: Where you look, when you look, and how you look tells the dog where to go when running an agility course. In this workshop, handlers will learn and practice how to use connection to improve commitment, prevent refusals, tighten up turns, build more speed, get to amazing positions on course, and improve your teamwork!
Prerequisite: This workshop is for young dogs competing or getting ready to compete. We will be using jumps and tunnels.
Cost: $125 members, $140 non-members, auditing $30
6 working spots, unlimited auditors

Either/Or Masters Jumping - Lynsey


Description: Test your dog’s ability to follow your handling and verbals cues in a Masters/Champ level course that will include a few either/or scenarios!
Prerequisite: This workshop will be appropriate for dogs that are competing or at least regularly training on Masters/Champ level courses at full jump height. This course will include jumps, tunnels, and weaves.
Cost: $125 members, $140 non-members, auditing $30
6 working spots, unlimited auditors

Class Session Start - End Location
Start Line Challenges - Sunday, October 27, 9am - Lynsey Heffner October 27, 2024 Area A (Turf) Register
Either/Or Young/Green - Sunday, October 27, 9am - Bobbie Bhambree October 27, 2024 Area A (Turf) Class Full
Get Connected! - Sunday, October 27, 1:30pm - Bobbie Bhambree October 27, 2024 Area A (Turf) Class Full
Either/Or Masters Jumping - Sunday, October 27, 1:30pm - Lynsey Heffner October 27, 2024 Area A (Turf) Register

Mental Resilience for the Competition Dogs - Handling Edition - with Bobbie Bhambree-Wirkmaa, CBDC, CPDT-KA, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant

Saturday, November 9 from 9am-4pm with a one-hour lunch break

Requirements: 1) Taken the Mental Resilience seminar with Bobbie at Y2K9s OR 2) Currently works with Bobbie privately OR 3) Attended any Brain Camp seminar or webinar
Teams should be able to run short sequences of jumps and tunnels. There will be no contacts or weaves.

Description: In this seminar, you will:

  • Apply all concepts from Bobbie's other workshops into Novice-level sequences
  • Teams will be coached individually and we will fill the resilience gaps based on what each team demonstrates

Limited to 10 working spots. Auditing unlimited.
Cost: $190 for members, $220 non-members, $45 auditors

Class Session Start - End Location
Mental Resilience for the Competition Dogs - Handling Edition - Saturday, November 9 November 9, 2024 Area C1 Register

Introduction to Do as I Do Workshop (learn through imitation) – with CJ Hazell

Saturday, November 9

Dogs have a wonderful ability to learn through social learning. That means that they can see what someone else does and then try it for themselves. They can imitate what they have seen, learning new skills as they do. We can tap into this ability by teaching our dogs to learn something new by imitating what we do. This allows us to teach some skills more quickly, teach complex behaviors more easily, and often the dogs will remember it better.

In this workshop I will introduce this method to new teams and add on to the skills of those teams who have already started learning this. Your dog needs to know 3-6 behaviors that they can do independently of touching you. At least 2 of the behaviors should involve a prop like a jump, platform, or toy. They should know these reasonably well.

Choose behaviors that you are comfortable demonstrating. If you don’t want to get onto the floor and rollover, then rollover should not be one of your behaviors. But if you are fine doing it, then go for it. Some suggestions that work well are SPIN, BACK, DOWN, SIT PRETTY, 2 or 4 FT ON, GO AROUND, FOOT TARGET, TOUCH OBJECT WITH NOSE OR PAW, LIFT PAW, JUMP, or PICK SOMETHING UP.

Cost: $60 for members, $75 for non-members. Limit 8 working spots, unlimited auditing. $20 per auditor.

Class Session Start - End Location
Do as I Do Workshop - Saturday 1:00pm - CJ Hazell November 9, 2024 Area B Register

Mental Resilience in Agility and Competition Dogs - with Bobbie Bhambree-Wirkmaa, CBDC, CPDT-KA, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant

Sunday, December 15 from 9am-4pm with a one-hour lunch break

Requirements: Teams should be able to run short sequences of jumps and tunnels. There will be no contacts or weaves.

Description: Got FACE? – Focus And Connected Engagement in the Agility Competition Ring
If you have taken this workshop with Bobbie at Y2 in May or June, it will be beneficial to take it again because she will build on those skills with you.

Mental resilience takes time to develop; every dog is different when it comes to how long it takes and what is necessary to support the dog. Mental resilience is a combination of impulse control, confidence, the ability to recover from an event, and the desire to try again—all of which we will explore and continue to develop in this workshop.

There are many reasons why a dog might be able to perform in one context and not another. During the workshop, we will continue to uncover the gaps in your dog’s understanding and by way of training and behavior modification, fill them. These gaps could be a result of training plans that skipped steps that your dog needs, environmental stressors, lack of impulse control, or even fear. By examining your dog’s performance and discussing how you have trained with your dog thus far, we will be able to create a plan specific to your team’s needs. You will play games and practice exercises that will bring your dog’s focus back to you while building enthusiasm and drive, regardless of the venue or level of the show.

In this seminar, you will:

  • Learn how to respond to your dog’s feedback in the moment to keep them working with you
  • Learn how to better manage your dog and the environment to minimize mental fatiguing
  • Continue to build focus and connection in your dog, even when things go wrong in the ring
  • Further build impulse control in your dog, even in the face of stressors and distractions
  • Further expand the toolbox of exercises to support you in decreasing your dog’s anxiety
  • Further build confidence in your dog for the bigger shows

Limited to 10 working spots. Auditing unlimited.
Cost: $190 for members, $220 non-members, $45 auditors

Class Session Start - End Location
Mental Resilience in Agility and Competition Dogs - Sunday, December 15 December 15, 2024 Area A (Turf) Register