Ring Stressed! Unleashing the Potential in Stressed Performance Dogs

Competing in Agility? This is for:

  • Dogs that stress up (over-aroused with focus issues)
  • Dogs that stress down (shutting down, slow)
  • Dogs doing OK - you want to know how to avoid stress
  • Dogs not competing yet - you want to stay ahead of the curve

How great would it be to erase competition stress in your dog? A highly popular seminar for dogs that are sniffing, going slow, visiting ring crew, worried, disengaged, or unmotivated. This seminar has made a positive change in hundreds of agility dogs. The neurobiology of stress is complicated, but Laura breaks it down so it's easily understood. Her famous "Recipe for Change" involves a global approach to reducing stress through many creative strategies. Are you ready to step to the line with a focused, driven and happy dog?

Is stress negatively impacting your dog's performance? It's estimated that 50% of all performance dogs experience too much stress in the ring. This cutting-edge class is for dogs who are sensitive to triggers in the environment. Physiological change occurs causing a stressed up or stressed down reaction. Signs are: check-out, get worried, sniff, shut down easily, barking, spinning, goes slow, flying all over the course, over-arousal or not performing in the ring as well as in training.

Is your dog currently doing OK? It's actually easy for any dog that is competing to go from being OK in the ring to NOT OK! For young dogs not competing or for dogs that are doing well, this is your opportunity to learn how to handle your dog's emotional well being in the chaotic competition environment. Mental Preparation for Competition Dogs!

What will you learn in the Seminar/Class? You will divide your time between lectures, reviewing lessons and training dogs. You'll learn how to identify and manage triggers with Threshold Management. You'll learn how to keep your dog in it's thinking brain through innovative strategies to increase their comfort level in the ring setting, manage their arousal level and maximize their potential. The goal is to build and maintain Canine Mental Resilience.

Cost: $175.00 members, $200.00 non members. Limit 8 working spots.
Unlimited auditors: $70 members, $100 non members
Hours 9:00-5:00 with a break for lunch


Email Lynsey with questions.

Details Price Qty
Members Auditing Spot - For Member price, log in to your account. You can log in here.
Non-Members Auditing Spotshow details + $100.00 USD  

  • Auditing Spot
     April 19, 2025
     9:00 AM - 5:00 PM