Sally Silverman, CPDT-KSA

Sally Silverman, CPDT-KSA, started training dogs in 2000 and has been active in Y2K9s ever since. She has found that using positive reinforcement, play, and lots of understanding yields the best results. Sally has competed in Agility with six dogs, all Australian Shepherds. Her current Aussies Java and Piper have earned championship titles in USDAA, ASCA and UKI agility, and have qualified for and competed in national competitions. In addition to Agility, Sally has a passion for Canine Musical Freestyle which combines the challenge of training precise, complicated behaviors with creative presentation choreographed to music. In WCFO (World Canine Freestyle Organization) she has earned several titles in numerous divisions, including the highest musical freestyle titles with multiple dogs. She enjoys the problem-solving challenges of training tricks, and her dogs also have many trick titles.

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